118 CONGRESS1 S H.R.2811 - Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alertsSponsor: Rep. Arrington, Jodey C. [R-TX-19] (Introduced 04/25/2023)Committees: House - Ways and Means; Budget; Appropriations; Oversight and Accountability; Education and the Workforce;Agriculture; Energy and Commerce; Judiciary; Rules; Transportation and Infrastructure; Natural ResourcesCommittee Meetings: 05/04/23 10:00AMLatest Action: Senate - 05/04/2023 Committee on the Budget. Hearings held. (All Actions)Roll Call Votes: There have been 2 roll call votesSummary(1) Text(3) Actions(30) Titles(11) Amendments(1) Cosponsors(19) Committees(12) Related Bills(43)There are 3 versions: Text available as: XML/HTML XML/HTML (new window) TXT PDF (691KB) Shown Here:Placed on Calendar Senate (05/02/2023)Calendar No. 41H. R. 2811To provide for a responsible increase to the debt ceiling, and for other purposes.IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATESM 1, 2023Received; read the first timeM 2, 2023Read the second time and placed on the calendarAN ACTTo provide for a responsible increase to the debt ceiling, and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America inCongress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.This Act may be cited as the “Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023”.SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS.The table of contents for this Act is as follows:Sec. 1. Short title.Sec. 2. Table of contents.Introduced Passed House Passed Senate To President Became LawPlaced on Calendar Senate (05/02/2023)Listen-------------------------------------118